Posts in News
One Thought on the Asbury Revival

News of what’s been happening has spread like wildfire. When it eventually reached me, my gut response was honestly skepticism and cynicism. I’m a church kid who has been around the denominational block. I’ve seen passionate worship paired with rotten character firsthand. My instinct is to say, “Let’s see what happens next.”

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The Enduring Resolution on Human Dignity - A Proposal for the Triennial Convention

Drafted by Erik Reynolds, Thomas Loghry, Nathaniel Bickford, and Andy Rice, the following resolution has been submitted to the Resolutions Committee of the 2020 Triennial Convention (meeting April 21-23, 2021). It is intended to replace resolutions 74-38 and 96-67 and thereby present a stronger and more comprehensive statement by Advent Christians on the dignity of human life.

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"Establishing Believers, Leaders, and Churches"- Resources for the 2018 Eastern Regional Annual Convention

Leading up to the 2018 Eastern Regional Annual Convention, Advent Christian Voices will be featuring a series of articles highlighting the central topic for this year’s convention, which invites us to consider what means to establish believers, leaders, and churches. This feature has been submitted by the Eastern Regional office and is intended to encourage conversation heading into the convention. The following is a set of helpful resources from BILD meant to inform and give context to the Region’s discourse at the convention. Articles from Advent Christian authors on pertinent topics will be forthcoming.

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Advent Christians Must Plant Churches- Here's What We're Doing About It

As we look at the figures on churches in America across denominational lines, we see most groups are losing ground.  We are currently averaging more than three churches per year closing in the Advent Christian denomination. However, numbers are not the most important thing to consider. The real heart of ministry is sharing the message of Jesus Christ with those who desperately need to hear it.

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