Year 2021 Focus On Bible Interpretation & Exposition - Maranatha Conference


Here’s the help you’ve been looking for with interpreting and teaching God’s Word!

If you’re a pastor, elder, teacher, or are someone interested in better handling the Word of God, these seminars are designed for you! Beginning in January and running through November, the Maranatha Conference will be sponsoring online live instruction (via Zoom) every third Saturday from 1:00-4:00 PM (EST) on the topic of Biblical Interpretation or Hermeneutics. 

There is no cost for these sessions. The first session on January 16 will be a basic introduction and overview of the principles and guidelines for careful Bible interpretation. Each following session will be concerned with how to interpret and exegete a passage from a particular Biblical genre. The presenter will cover the things one needs to consider in interpreting that genre, then will do an exegesis from a particular passage in that 
genre, and finally examine the passage in light of all of Scripture.

The June presentation will be on Sermon Preparation and will be from 10:00 AM to Noon and resume again at 1:00 PM and end at 4:00.

Those who make every session will be enrolled in a drawing (just in time for Christmas, 2021) to win one of three prizes: a $300.00, $200.00 or $100.00 gift certificate from the Westminster Theological Seminary Bookstore. 

You could be one of three winners so plan now to register and schedule these presentations in your 2021 calendar.

Here’s Lou Going, Minister of Church & Pastoral Health, 
with a word of introduction to the seminars