Jeff shares a preview of the Christmas narratives from his new book Devotions From Luke’s Gospel.
After more than three years of editorial work, Nathaniel Bickford (General Editor), Lou Going (Contributing Editor), and Erik Reynolds (Contributing Editor) are excited to introduce to you a new confession of faith in the tradition of the historic confessions of faith of the Protestant Reformation. The Whitefield Declaration of Faith (WDF), named after the town where two of the editors have pastored, is a reformed, credo-baptist, conditionalist confession in the tradition of the Westminster Confession of Faith, Savoy Declaration of Faith and Order (our starting document), and the London Baptist Confession of Faith.
Jefferson Vann shares a section from his new book: Devotions from Mark’s Gospel.
In “A devotional on Leviticus” Jefferson Vann shares a section of his new book.
Despite having believed the gospel for decades, over time I had begun to love a works-based self-righteousness that I had accumulated over years of faithful labor as a Christian, a church member, and a pastor. There are many tear stains on my copy of “Dangerous Calling,”, and some of the first of those tears came at the end of the very first chapter, where I wrote in the margin, “I compete for righteousness through theological and Biblical literacy and accuracy.”
Jefferson Vann shares some excerpts from his latest translation of the book of Genesis.
Three of the biggest reasons people dechurched wasn’t because they lost their faith and belief in Jesus. The most common causes of people to dechurch included the church’s focus on politics (both left and right), parents being uncharitable and hateful towards those who disagreed with them, and the church not actively serving community needs.
Briefly, what is Juneteenth? First, it’s the day we honor the Emancipation Proclamation, President Abraham Lincoln’s directive that all African American enslaved people in the Confederate states were free from slavery.

Erik and Mike return enjoy some fun banter and discuss the Trinity.
Erik and Mike return from their hiatus. They've got much to catch up on and introduce a familiar topic that has gained their attention.
Erik and Mike discuss discuss whether God and sin's presence can coexist.
Erik and Mike discuss how to evaluate people, especially children for baptism.
Erik and Mike discuss some world events and the Atonement.
Erik and Mike discuss a few different things on the show!
Erik and Mike discuss a few different things on the show!
Erik and Mike discuss the essential marks of a disciple.
Erik and a special guest discuss all kinds of things.

Rev. Erik Reynolds is the Pastor of Hickory Grove Advent Christian Church in Four Oaks, NC. He is a former Army Paratrooper with combat tours in Iraq and Afghanistan who is still trying to figure out how not to use HOOAH in every sentence.
Rev. Tom Loghry is the executive editor of Advent Christian Voices. He is a graduate of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary (M.A. Theology) and associate pastor at Rockland Community Church.
Catherine Rybicki holds a B.A. in Biblical Studies from Toccoa Falls College and a Master of Divinity degree from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. She currently resides in her native Georgia.
Rev. Josh Alves serves as Teaching Pastor at Oak Hill Bible Church (Oxford, MA). He holds a certificate in Visual Communications, is an accomplished author/illustrator, and is a graduate of the Leadership Development Network.
Nathaniel Bickford is a graduate of Westminster Theological Seminary and the pastor of the Whitefield Christian Church in Whitefield, NH.

a quote from Jeff’s recent book.