The Enduring Resolution on Human Dignity - A Proposal for the Triennial Convention

Drafted by Erik Reynolds, Thomas Loghry, Nathaniel Bickford, and Andy Rice, the following resolution has been submitted to the Resolutions Committee of the 2020 Triennial Convention (meeting April 21-23, 2021). It is intended to replace resolutions 74-38 and 96-67 and thereby present a stronger and more comprehensive statement by Advent Christians on the dignity of human life. Our central concern with the previous resolutions center on their failure to recognize the dignity of unborn human lives in the cases of rape, incest, and various developmental conditions. The following resolution recognizes the dignity of every human life and disqualifies no person from being treated as one made in the image of his or her Creator. I hope you will join us in supporting the passage of this resolution.

- Thomas Loghry, Executive Editor

The Enduring Resolution on Human Dignity

Proposed for the 2020 Triennial Convention

our denomination adopted resolutions at the 1974 and 1996 General Conference meetings regarding abortion; and

Whereas these resolutions have insufficiently recognized the full measure of dignity belonging to all human beings

Be it, therefore resolved that this delegate body affirms that all human beings are made in the image of God and thereby possess unassailable dignity and worth according to the design of their Creator, irrespective of their race, gender, abilities, age, social class, or the circumstances of their conception;

Be it further resolved that we affirm that human life begins at conception as confirmed by biblical revelation (Jeremiah 1:5; Psalm 139) and natural revelation (the creation of unique DNA upon fertilization);

Be it further resolved that we affirm that the intentional abortion of a child is a form of murder (Exodus 21:22-25);

Be it further resolved that we affirm the dignity and worth of fathers, mothers, and medical professionals who have aborted children and that through faith in Jesus, their sins can be forgiven;

Be it further resolved that we recognize any actions or attitudes of malicious discrimination on the basis of race, biological gender, abilities, age, or social class to be unjust and sinful;

Be it further resolved that we affirm the necessity for our churches to seek just and fair treatment of all people, seeking the ministry of reconciliation through the Gospel of Jesus Christ (2 Corinthians 5:16-21);

Be it further resolved that we mourn the loss of any human life, especially under murderous circumstances, and that we mourn all suffering caused by unjust discrimination;

Be it further resolved that we affirm our commitment to love and care for people in spiritual and physical need in our communities;

Be it further resolved that this resolution supersedes all previous resolutions regarding the dignity and sanctity of human life.