Posts tagged abortion
Is This Unloving?

It is the month of June! And in our day and age, that means that the corporations and politicians of our culture are promoting what has been dubbed “pride month.” I was debating whether to write on this topic, given the sensitive nature of it, but after seeing not just the culture generally going extra hard for pride month this year, but professing Christians also cudgeling the church into submission with the cultural norms of the day, I felt it necessary to address what I believe to be key notions believed by pro-gay Christians, helping biblical Christians to handle this behavior biblically.

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The Enduring Resolution on Human Dignity - A Proposal for the Triennial Convention

Drafted by Erik Reynolds, Thomas Loghry, Nathaniel Bickford, and Andy Rice, the following resolution has been submitted to the Resolutions Committee of the 2020 Triennial Convention (meeting April 21-23, 2021). It is intended to replace resolutions 74-38 and 96-67 and thereby present a stronger and more comprehensive statement by Advent Christians on the dignity of human life.

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Answering Pro-Choice Arguments: Part 2

If you’ve ever wondered where you would stand on human rights issues of the past if you had lived through them (I.e. American slavery, the Holocaust if you lived in Germany), or whether you would have stood up for what is right in a culture that was morally indifferent on a certain evil, you can get a pretty good idea of where you would land back then by examining where you stand on the mass murder of our day: Abortion.

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Answering Pro-Choice Arguments: Part 1

If you’ve ever wondered where you would stand on human rights issues of the past if you had lived through them (I.e. American slavery, the Holocaust if you lived in Germany), or whether you would have stood up for what is right in a culture that was morally indifferent on a certain evil, you can get a pretty good idea of where you would land back then by examining where you stand on the mass murder of our day: Abortion.

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