“We’re All Atheists”

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How many times have you heard this from an atheist: “You’re an atheist too! I just believe in one less God than you.” Maybe you haven’t heard this before, but there are some atheists who love to say this to Christians and laugh when they don’t have a response. The underlying point of this statement is to suggest that there are thousands of gods that Christians are “atheist” toward, and the atheist posing this idea rejects the Christian God for the same reasons that Christians reject the thousands of other gods. So how does one respond to this odd claim?

My standard way of dealing with this statement is to use the following, equally as ridiculous replies:

“We’re all single. I just have one less wife than you.”
“We’re all pedestrians. I just have one less car than you.”

Merely pointing out that there are other gods from many different religions does not affect the evidence that is already in place for Christianity. As far as exploring the reasons that Christians reject the other gods from other religions, I have already addressed that in a different article, but refreshers can be very useful.

I believe there is great evidence that the universe is not eternal; that it had a beginning. This leads me to reject pantheistic religions or any ideas of God that suggest that god is one with the universe.

I also have good reason to believe that the true God would have to be eternal. This rules out Thor, Zeus, Odin, and all of those other pagan gods who had a beginning.

Lastly for this recap, I believe that the evidence for the resurrection of Jesus is more than sufficient to believe that He was raised from the dead, which disqualifies the few religions left that are left, such as Islam and Judaism (once again it is important to note that Christianity is the culmination of the Jewish faith, not its rival).

While this article may be much shorter than my usual work, there are a plethora of starting points if one wishes to investigate further, which of course, I highly recommend you do. I will include several excellent resources to help you in that endeavor.

Recommended Resources:
Info on the beginning of the universe and the evidence for the divine First Cause

Info on the amazing evidence for the resurrection of Jesus

Beautiful evidence for the Bible from fulfilled prophecy