Triennial Matters: The Present and Future Executive Director

This “Triennial Matters” series seeks to highlight some of the important items that will be considered at the 2023 ACGC Triennial Convention. The opinions expressed here are the author’s own and do not represent the views of the bodies he serves. All business items can be found here.

On May 23, 2023, Steve Lawson announced that he would be ending his time as Executive Director effective December 31st. His tenure has come to this conclusion, not because of any failure in his performance, but because he is a man faithful to the care of his family. Rather than straining his care for our denomination, he has released this trust so it can be entrusted to another.

There is much to be grateful for in how Steve Lawson has cared for our denomination. He has approached his duties with the heart of a servant-leader. Even so, he has been unafraid of taking bold steps that could draw criticism from certain quarters. He proved his mettle by overseeing the adoption of the Advent Christian Statement of Faith which determined that by definition, to be Advent Christian is to be Trinitarian. In that same year of 2017, he rolled out a strategic plan that led to the formation of the Ministry Training Institute, a vital response to the pastoral leadership crisis facing our denomination. The positive developments in the Communications department, International Missions, and Church Planting have likewise been on his watch. Steve would by no means take all the credit for these developments - he would rightly point to the hard work of his directors and coordinators. Nonetheless, he deserves credit and our thanks. We will have that opportunity at Triennial.

We will also have the opportunity to set the tone for the incoming Executive Director. It seems reasonable to believe that the next Executive Director will be at Triennial. He will be observing us during the business sessions. He will hear our voices at the panel discussions on denominational restructuring, finding new leaders, and other important sessions. This is his best chance to get a snapshot of the denomination as he walks into the job. What picture will we give him? What picture will we give the Executive Council so they can find the right leader to meet both challenge and opportunity of our time?

This, among other reasons I’ve written about, as well as those I have not, is why it is important for Advent Christians to participate at Triennial. This is why Triennial matters. Will you be there?