Posts tagged advent
A Gift that Keeps Burning

I have not written in some time. To be honest, I have not had anything compelling enough to stir me to write… until today. I love the holiday season. I love the traditions, the time with family and friends. I love the reminder of all God has done for us in Christ. I love the decorations, the music, even the ugly sweaters out there…

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Advent Meets Exodus- a Devotion (2/4)

Born thy people to deliver…born to set thy people free.”  These words sung of Jesus in Charles Wesley’s well-known Christmas hymn could as easily be sung of another baby, the one whose birth brightens the otherwise dismal opening to the book of Exodus. There we find the chosen people of God suffering as slaves at the hands of a Pharaoh who knew not their forefather Joseph, nor their Father God.

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Brokenness Awaiting Advent- a Devotion (1/4)

I stand at the open door staring at the number of single socks accumulating on top of the dryer. The other darks — underwear and jeans — were gathering clean, folded, soon to return to their assigned spots in my dresser. As the items piled up, I wonder how many socks must be removed before two can be paired and moved to the folded piles. For me the general rule of thumb — one of every pair.

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