Posts tagged Unity
Dwelling in Unity

I encourage you to enter the conversation or start one. Do you have ideas on how to serve our local homeless communities better? Share your lessons. Are you struggling with the implications of your theology regarding your fellowship? Someone else probably is, too. This is why many of us write: to share our thoughts, express our doubts, and introduce ideas that could be helpful to the brethren. This is how we dwell in unity.

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What does growing secularization mean for the Advent Christian Church?

There are three categories that I want to consider that could benefit from the ingenuity spurred on by rising secularism: (1) missions, (2) doctrine, and (3) education. Each of these has influenced the Advent Christian church immensely over the years. The doctrines of conditional immortality saw the formation of our denomination. Advent Christians have most often been united in their shared efforts in foreign missions. The denomination’s institutions of higher learning continue to be a source of pride and unity.

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Exploring the Creeds (Part 1)

Let’s stand in thankfulness for the work done by our Christian forbears and early Church Fathers. They’ve handed down priceless heirlooms born out of the careful study and thoughtful discussion in the early hours of our faith’s birth. Rejection of the creeds is to purposefully separate oneself from foundational Christian orthodoxy carried forward from the days before the legalization of Christianity.

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Better Together

What about our association? I have grown increasingly concerned that we don’t work as closely together as we need to in order to carry out the mission of God. Instead, fault lines run deep and some have grown weary due to a lack of theological and structural integrity. My hope is to draw out those who desire to work more closely together, who see the need for change so that we can become more effective and efficient in taking the Gospel to our neighbors and the nations. Consider this a call to mission and unity that seems to be lacking in our ranks.

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