Koine in Later Day

45 Minutes a Week Reading Kοινωνία (NT Greek!)

A little over a year ago we announced “Koine at Mid-Day,” a review group for students of New Testament Greek led by Lou Going, Larry Knowles, and Nathaniel Bickford. Each week we read and translate the Greek New Testament verse-by-verse together, assisting each other in learning, and re-learning Koine Greek. We are currently working through the Gospel of Mark (chapter 8 to be more precise), with a focus on reading out loud, translating, and dealing with the grammar.

Due to schedule changes within the core group, we are now meeting on Zoom, Thursday afternoons from 4-4:45PM. 

Whether you only know the Greek alphabet, or have been studying it for decades, we would gladly welcome your participation. If you would like to join in, or would like more information, please respond below.